Patients Are Relying on Lyft, Uber To Travel Far Distances to Medical Care
Uber and Lyft have become a critical part of the nation’s infrastructure for transporting ailing people from their homes — even in rural areas — to medical care sites in major cities such as Atlanta.
Public Health Departments Face a Post-Covid Funding Crash
During the coronavirus pandemic, states received a rush of funding from the federal government to bolster their fight against the disease. In many cases, that cash flowed into state and local health departments, fueling a staffing surge to handle, among other things, contact tracing and vaccination efforts. But public health leaders quickly identified a familiar […]
Harris apoya la reducción de la deuda médica. Los “conceptos” de Trump preocupan a defensores.
La administración Biden ha ampliado las protecciones financieras para los pacientes, incluyendo una propuesta histórica de la Oficina de Protección Financiera del Consumidor (CFPB) para eliminar la deuda médica de los informes de crédito de los consumidores.
Harris Backs Slashing Medical Debt. Trump’s ‘Concepts’ Worry Advocates.
The Biden administration has taken significant steps to address a problem that burdens 100 million people in America, but gains would be jeopardized by a Trump win, advocates say.
More Mobile Clinics Are Bringing Long-Acting Birth Control to Rural Areas
Small-town doctors may not offer IUDs and hormonal implants because the devices require training to administer and are expensive to stock.
Health Issues Motivating Black Women Voters for Harris
Vice President Kamala Harris, now on the presidential campaign trail, is making inroads with a key voting bloc: Black women, who are rallying behind her because of her work on issues such as preserving abortion access, curbing gun violence and reducing maternal deaths. What has become clear is not just that this voting group supports […]
El aborto es el tema electoral más importante para las mujeres jóvenes, según una encuesta
Casi 4 de cada 10 mujeres menores de 30 años encuestadas en septiembre y principios de octubre dijeron que el aborto es la cuestión más importante a la hora de emitir su voto.
California Hospitals Scramble on Earthquake Retrofits as State Limits Extensions
California legislators for years have granted extensions on a 1994 law requiring hospitals to retrofit their buildings to withstand earthquakes. Gov. Gavin Newsom in September vetoed an extension for all hospitals but signed a bill granting relief to rural and “distressed” hospitals and some others.